Directory of New York State
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Welcome to our New York State directory service. This directory was derived from the New York State component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ directory project was the largest human-edited directory on the planet but it is no longer being maintained. This directory is now an archive of the New York State component of the DMOZ directory. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent worldwide directory of websites in its day.
Top : Localities : N : New York City : Society and Culture : Activism
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Gotham Green Guide - A directory for green living in the city. Contains listings of ecology-friendly resources and businesses, including vegetarian, animal rights, restaurants, shopping, recycling, recreation, churches and personalities.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
North Star Fund - Small but vocal group addressing a broad range of peace and freedom issues, named for 19th-century abolitionist newspaper published by Frederick Douglass.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Occupy Wall Street - News and resources for protesters attending the mass demonstration on Wall Street against financial greed and corruption.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
The Beldon Fund - Seeks to build a societal consensus for the personal, economic and policy changes necessary to achieve and sustain a healthy planet. Makes grants to nonprofit organizations to protect and sustain the environment. Program guidelines, grant applications, and reports.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Wetlands Preserve - Organization for human, animal, and earth liberation through street theater, political advocacy, and public education.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
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